If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it, right? Well, who do you like more than you? Before you answer that with a lie, please check out this ring I found. It's huge and looks antique and is more than a bit ugly - how could I have stopped myself from falling in love?
I couldn't and hopefully you can't either. This ring is pure drama and I love it. It reminds me of something Alexis Carrington Colby would have worn with a robe while she drank champagne and spurned a lover/found a long-lost twin/cut a bitch.
I found this on jcrew.com under the sale section, of course. it comes in two colors but I like the hematite-plated version better. Under $30, easy to find and won't turn your finger green - what else do you want from me?
Antique Violet Majesty stone cocktail ring, $29.99, jcrew.com
Lots of garish love,
An aside - Can there be anything more satisfying than listening to Daft Punk's "Something About Us" at 11pm when the lights are low? Get back to me on that one after you've tried it. Right now I feel like I'm typing in space (which is a good thing).
Reeling it back in, tonight we'll discuss that fine line between thrifty and cheap. We all know someone who's thrifty, i.e., makes conscious, informed decisions about where their money goes. We also all know someone who's just plain old cheap. Always complaining about money, never wants to go out/buy anything because God Forbid, they part with some cash.
Side Note - everyone thinks they're thrifty. It's a rare breed who can admit their cheapness. I have one friend (whose name I shall not mention as I've haven't asked her) who will happily tell you how cheap she is. I appreciate her candor. You know where you stand with Ms. X, and you also know what activities you can and cannot do with her. Dinner at home? Absolutely. Dinner and a movie? Depends, does she have a gift card? Well, as Grandma always said, ain't no future in frontin' so today I will outline the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between the two. Not sure where you stand? You're probably cheap, but keep reading just in case - you never know.
You use coupons. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking advantage of an offer to save money on something you already planned on buying.
Your lifestyle and purchases are driven by coupons, special offers, etc. Doesn't matter if it's your anniversary or someone's birthday - if it doesn't cost you next to nothing, you're not going there or purchasing it.
You go to the local beauty college to save money on haircuts.
Cheap: You cut not only your own hair, but you just may subject other family members to the same mistreatment. [Editor's note - shame on you if you subject anyone other than yourself to this. There's a special place in hair hell for those who butcher the hair of others in the name of saving a buck.]
You split an entree with someone else at dinner, or have half wrapped up for your lunch the next day.
Cheap: You order an appetizer/bowl of soup with the claim of not being hungry, then pick off everyone's plates once the food comes. I can't tell you how much I despise this behavior.
You buy in bulk or when certain items are on sale to give as gifts later in the year. Examples: greeting cards, stocking stuffers, or an item someone has mentioned in the past that just happens to be on sale now. This makes sense. You're leveraging today's opportunity to save money in the future.
You have a PhD in re-gifting. You look at Christmas and birthday gifts as an opportunity to not have to spend money on people's gifts in the future. Everyone regifts from time to time, but you pride yourself on rolling gifts so much you don't end up spending anything. Presents are one big shell game to you, and you really don't care if someone likes their gift, as you take no pleasure in it anyway. This is another behavior I cannot stand. Enjoy your damn presents, would you? I promise it won't hurt too much.
I could go on ad nauseam, but I have a really great piece to show you so I'm going to cut myself off. Hopefully you are a thrifty, kind and generous person. I know you are.
Lots of Optimistic Love,