I'm back to being completely hooked on Lost. Are you? The Desmond-centric episode last night was incredible. I love the story of Des and Penelope, and it's nice to see a "love never dies" example in such an otherwise pretty grim sci-fi drama.
But this isn't about LOST - it's about you being able to afford it, and today, you can afford these shoes from Payless Shoe Source. I love these shoes! The color is great, the shape is very flattering, and as always, the price is just right.
You should be able to pick these up at your local Payless Shoe Source, but if you would like to order them online, you can do so as well. These shoes have so many options - full 50's style dresses, jeans, pencil skirts, long shorts, capris, the list goes on and on, but I will stop there.
One last thing - http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Desmond.
Kailey Patent Pump in yellow -- $17.99 at Payless Shoe Source or paylessshoesource.com.
Our love will never be lost, Kasey
Look - they match! One girl and one boy! Okay, okay, they're not exactly the same, but I LOVE this men's track jacket, and it compliments yesterday's piece pretty well. Right now, I'm jealous of every man who can fit into this jacket. This is a jacket that a really hot guy wears, and I want one for myself but I'm too small.
Fellas, you can find this on eastbay.com for 20 bucks! If you're a male who is reading this post - if you don't buy this jacket, you are a straight-up fool. A fool that lets a good deal just walk right out the door. A fool who probably thinks Ben Wallace being a Cavalier wasn't a good use of a trade. A fool that I would send to fooltown to spend foolmoney on foolhookers.
Anyway, this is a hot jacket and you should get it while you can.
Five Four Men's Silvercord Jacket in green, $19.99 on eastbay.com
Lots of salty, acidic love, Kasey
The title of this one is dedicated to my friend Liam across the pond, as this is his theme song. Cheers, LB!
A lot of times when you're looking for clothing from lower echelon stores, you have the problem of the products looking a little "off". It should be okay, all the pieces are there, but they don't align right and they just end up looking cheap or imitation. The upshot of this is that it doesn't happen ALL of the time, and if you look hard/long enough, you will find something that's the perfect union of cute and cheap.
Behold, the this track jacket I found at Wal-Mart! Personal feelings about the chain aside, this jacket is really slick and the price is definitely right. I am favoring the white/green combo (pictured) but there is also a blue/white one that's pretty cute as well. This is a pretty versatile jacket that will hold you through spring and early summer nights. Get one today and channel your inner soccer hooligan.
Athletic Works Women's Track Jacket - $12.94 at Wal-Mart or walmart.com
You know I love you, Kasey
I kept a shower curtain for 4 years without having used it once. It was packed countless times, dragged from house to house, all in the anticipation of getting to finally put it up and enjoy it in all its striped glory. Alas, I kept meeting resistance. Roommates and boyfriends alike always seemed to have a shower curtain they were attached to as well, and it was already up/really important to them/their house, so I had to go along with it. I even once tried to use it for a wall hanging, but the holes kept showing. I finally parted with it a year or so ago with the realization that it was never going to happen for me and the sooner I realized that and let it go, the better. (NOTE: this is the best advice you'll ever get that you won't heed.)
Which brings me to today. I don't think I'm the only one who is attached to their shower curtain. It's a great way to display your fashionable side, your wild side, hell, even your ugly side if you're so inclined. This gem is found at Kmart, and even though it's black and white, the print is pretty bold. I love how they have it paired with a butter-yellow background. I would also be okay with pairing this with red accents.
So, if you're looking for a little action in your bathroom and you're willing to part with 15 USD, get thee to your local Kmart and snatch this up as you can't get this one online.
Martha Stewart Everyday Floral Geometric Fabric Shower Curtain, $14.99 at Kmart stores. Not available online.
Lots of Love, Kase
PS - Happy Birthday to Nis and Michael. You're both great Pisces peeps.
Well I didn't think I was going to be able to swing it, but hey, look at that! Anyway, as I am a proud gypsy and never get tired of telling people about my heritage, imagine how delighted I was to find this bohemian gem.
This is a cute little shirt. The print's a little wild, but I can see this with a pair of white capris, or a denim skirt, or even just your favorite jeans. You may not be able to tell the future, but my crystal ball is saying you will look really hot in this shirt.
Grab it at your local Buckle or on buckle.com.
Daytrip Shirt, $28.50 at The Buckle or buckle.com
Much Love, Kasey
no postings today, I will be on a little road trip.
love, kasey
Here is the second piece in my man-centric post sequence. I'll admit, I was on the fence on this one - it's at the top of my price range, and it's only available in a L and XL on jcrew.com.
But like many things, this sweater grew on me. The more I thought about it, the more it appealed. It would look great with a blue or striped oxford or a graphic tee underneath (and I have just the tee - let me know if you want to see it). Or, if you're really daring, wear it alone and let that chest hair shine! I promise to post ALL of those photos prominently.
Anyway, the sweater is available in a men's large or extra large on jcrew.com for $29.99. Pick one up and floss Jack White and/or Freddy Krueger-style for a day.
Bancroft-stripe merino V-neck sweater, $29.99 at jcrew.com
Still loving you, Kasey
So today is all about the fellas. I've found a few things for the men, and since all I have been doing thus far is posting about really cute but girlie stuff, today shall be the day of He. Men, we love you, especially when you are dressed nicely. I am convinced that a man with style can get away with most anything.
Behold, the tie. Every man needs a good tie, and so many of them out there are boring, expensive, or both. I personally like funky ties (shocking, I know) but I know there are those out there who don't want to put it all out there with their tie or work somewhere that can skew a bit conservative.
Imagine my happiness when I came across a tie that's a perfect marriage of style, thrift, and restraint. I love the pattern which adds a little funk to an otherwise very staid color palette. I can see it being worn with a solid color shirt or a pinstriped shirt of the same color family.
This little dear will set you back 19.99 at your local Target, or at target.com.
A little side note, and I can do this because a) it's a mens posting, and b) it's my blog: OMG THE CAVS GOT BIG BEN WALLACE. YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!
Merona School Plaid Necktie in Blue - $19.99 at Target or target. com
As always, lots of love, Kase
WOW. I just found this LeTigre polo at a DEEP discount. I love, love, love shirts like this - functional, durable, and pretty funky. I'm considering buying this one for myself, but want my readers to have first crack, so I promise not to purchase until at least Monday, therefore giving everyone else plenty of time to snatch it up and ensure that when I come back to the site, it will be gone.
With a price like this, there are a few caveats, which are the following:
- Heavily discounted item, may have slight imperfections, flaws, fading or discoloration
This gem can be found at your local The Buckle (which every mall seems to have) or www.buckle.com. IT IS PRICED AT $7.01 AS OF THIS MORNING. That's crazy.
If you end up getting one, send me your photo and we'll make a little gallery.
If I end up getting one, I will be sure to post my photo as well. The same goes with any of the items on here - send me your pic with you modeling said item and I will throw it up here for all to see you in your thrifty, anti-snob glory.
As you can see, I really, really love you guys. -kasey
Le Tigre Polo, $7.01 at The Buckle or buckle.com
If you live around where I live, it's really cold outside and it seems to permeate every nook and cranny of your life. At this time of year, we are plain sick of it! We need warmth, we need sunshine, we need a winter coat for under 30 bucks.
When my friend Lisa challenged me to find one, I'll admit I had my work cut out for me. Imagine my delight when I came across these lovelies on overstock tonight.
These warm, fashionable coats are just what we need to get through those shockingly cold nights. Did I also mention they're down-filled? All this for 30 USD.
An aside - Lisa, I have done the dirty work. No more showing up in your quilted vest when it's below zero.
Steve Madden Shiny Down Jacket - 26.99 on overstock.com
Love, Kasey
This is a really, really great find. There is nothing I enjoy more than when a designer makes a deal with a national chain of stores to carry some of their product. Granted, it's never going to be the avant-garde collection, but it's usually quite a notch above in its overall design, while being just right on the wallet.
One small aside - I also really like it when a designer goes box store because it takes some of the exclusive snobbery out of the branding process of "designer" and it always makes me feel better to pollute that well.
Moving on -- this little gem comes to us from Kohl's, a store which I used to think only existed to carry bad jewelry so my mom could buy it for me for my birthday. I have been proven wrong. This is in the nightgown/camisole section, so I am guessing it's a bit thin, but I can see this really working in the summer, or over a pair of dark leggings. I can also see it working in the bedroom quite well (wink,nudge.)
Let them have La Perla, we shall take Vera Wang and be able to pay the rent on time, thankyouverymuch.
Love, Kasey
Simply Vera Vera Wang Satin Grecian Chemise - 21.99 at Kohl's or Kohls.com
I figured I'd set this off right by starting with a cute product that fits nicely underneath my $30 cap. Yes, I will only feature products on this that are under 30 USD. I know I am tired of going to blogs that feature products I will never be able to afford, let alone find. The entire focus of this blog is to be the anti-exclusive, the anti-snob and mostly, to show you stuff that you could go out and get if you felt so compelled. I promise you won't feel out of place and/or too intimidated to ask for help in any of the places I point you. However, I can't make any predictions on the traffic, weather, or general mood of other people in the store. If only....
Anyway, this little gem is Isac Mizrahi for Target, and I am over the moon for this color palette. It's a great length, perfect for spring, very modern, and best of all - really, really effing cute. It's $29.99 on target.com as of today. I see this dress selling out before it goes on sale, so don't wait for the price to drop, unless you're one of those sizes that are always on the clearance rack (you know who you are).
The comments seem to indicate that the dress is made of thin fabric, and may be cut a bit narrow across the hips, so order a size up and plan to debut it mid-april.
Have a happy, snobbery-free day!
Yours, Kasey