I figured I'd set this off right by starting with a cute product that fits nicely underneath my $30 cap. Yes, I will only feature products on this that are under 30 USD. I know I am tired of going to blogs that feature products I will never be able to afford, let alone find. The entire focus of this blog is to be the anti-exclusive, the anti-snob and mostly, to show you stuff that you could go out and get if you felt so compelled. I promise you won't feel out of place and/or too intimidated to ask for help in any of the places I point you. However, I can't make any predictions on the traffic, weather, or general mood of other people in the store. If only....
Anyway, this little gem is Isac Mizrahi for Target, and I am over the moon for this color palette. It's a great length, perfect for spring, very modern, and best of all - really, really effing cute. It's $29.99 on target.com as of today. I see this dress selling out before it goes on sale, so don't wait for the price to drop, unless you're one of those sizes that are always on the clearance rack (you know who you are).
The comments seem to indicate that the dress is made of thin fabric, and may be cut a bit narrow across the hips, so order a size up and plan to debut it mid-april.
Have a happy, snobbery-free day!
Yours, Kasey
So your first post is a store that we don't have here?
So unfair. I'm going to NH this weekend. I'm gonna Target it!
as you should.
I am assuming that my dear readers always harness the endless potential of the interweb when making purchases.
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