A long time ago in a land far, far away called Michigan, a certain gentleman looked at me while I was in minimal clothing and uttered the words, "good god, woman." If you've never had that happen, make sure you put yourself in that position, sooner rather than later. It sounds horrible when it's not you, but I can assure you when you provoke a reaction like that, you feel like a natural woman, indeed.
Not only do I want that for you, I'm going to actively facilitate it by showing you this incredible swimsuit that is not only mind-blowingly sexy, but also very affordable. It's a tiny but over my cap, but once again, I am making an exception for an item that's totally worth the extra 5 bucks.
Today's item comes to us from Target's Mossimo collection. I'm not usually a fan of the knits, especially when it comes to swimwear, but the 70's feel of the design suits the knit and the color pattern really well. The waist cutouts are sexy but not over the top--an important part of the overall allure. Also, the top features a good amount of structure and coverage, which is also very important both when choosing swimwear and considering balance. Rule of thumb in clothing and most everything else: if you're going to show a lot of one thing, dial the rest back or you risk laying all of your cards on the table way too soon. One of the first rules of playing a good game of Euchre or Spades is to keep a trump card until the end where you can lay it down and really shake some trees. This is no different, friends. [Editor's note: I know this contradicts the story I began this post with a bit, but in my defense, I was technically clothed and 22 at the time of said occurrence. Hell, I'd do it all over again, who am I kidding?]
Life Lessons aside, this suit does a great job of choosing one thing to highlight and keeping the rest of it fairly modest. There is one thing I would like to stress at this point: this suit is not for everyone. This suit is a gift to my ladies who have what I like to call the "opposite build". This means that, much like me, you have some up top but not a whole bunch, a flat stomach, and ass for days. A suit like this is meant for women like us. There are plenty of suits to show off a nice chest, but it's rare when we get to shine the way we should. Waist, hips and ass is what this suit is all about. Flaunt it, my opposite sisters, for this is your day. Make me proud.
Mossimo® Black: Missoni Monokini - Multicolor, $34.99 at Target stores or Target.com
Buckets of eager, but not overly earnest love, Kase
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